APNS Test Harness

As Dr. Evil found out after spending a few decades in a cryogenic freezer, perspectives on quantity change very quickly. Ever since the explosion of mobile apps and the growing number of services that can deal with humongous amounts of data, we need to re-define our concepts of what ‘Big Data’ means. This goes for developers who want to write the Next Great App, as well as those who want to write services to support it.

One of the best ways of connecting with mobile application customers is via remote push notifications. This is available on both Android (GCM) and iOS (APNS). These services allow developers to send messages directly to their users and this is an extremely valuable tool to announce updates, send personalized messages and engage directly with the audience. Google and Apple provide services that developers can send push messages to and they in turn deliver those messages to their users.

The Problem

It’s not unusual for apps these days to have in the order of millions and even tens of millions of users. Testing a Push Notification backend can be extremely hard. Sure, you can set up a few test devices to receive messages but how do you know how long it would take your backend to send out a large number of push messages to the Google and Apple servers? Also, you don’t want to risk being throttled or completely blacklisted by either of those services by sending a ton of test data their way.

The Solution

The solution is to write a mock server that’s able to simulate the Google/Apple Push Notification Service, and a test client to hit it with requests.

The Google service is completely REST based, so a script that executes a lot of curls in a loop can do that job. Also, it’s fairly straightforward to write a simple HTTP server and accepts POSTs and sends back either a 200 or some sort of error code.

Apple’s APNS, however, presents a few challenges. It’s a binary format listed here. Since the protocol is binary, you need to write some sort of mock client that can generate messages in the specified format. At Flurry, we’ve been playing around with Node.js to build scalable services and it’s fairly straightforward to setup an Apple APNS test client and server.

The Client

The client.connect() method connects to the mock server and generates test data. The Buffer object in Node is used to pack the data into a binary format to send it over the wire. Although the protocol lets you specify a token size, the token size has been set to 64 bytes in the client since that’s typically the token length that gets generated. Also, in our experience, the APNS server actually rejects tokens that aren’t exactly 64 bytes long. The generateToken() method generates 64 byte hex tokens randomly. The payload is simple and static in this example. The createBuffer method can generate data in both the simple and enhanced format.
What good is a client without a server, you ask? So without further ado, here’s the mock server to go with the test client.

The Server

After accepting a request, the server buffers everything into an array and then reads the buffers one by one. APNS has an error protocol, but this server only sends a 0 on success and a 1 otherwise. Quick caveat: Since the server stores data in a variable until it gets a FIN from the client (on ‘end’) and only then does it process the data, the {allowHalfOpen:true} option is required on createServer so that the client does not automatically close the connection.

This setup is fairly basic, but it is useful for many reasons. Firstly, the client could be used to generate fake tokens and send them to any server that would accept them (just don’t do it to the APNS server, even in sandbox mode). The data in the payload in the above example is static, but playing around with the size of the data as well as the number of blocks sent per request helps identify the optimal size of data that you would want to send over the wire. At the moment, the server does nothing with the data, but saving it to some database or simply adding a sleep in the server would be a good indicator of estimated time to send a potentially large number of push messages. There are a number of variables that could be changed to try and estimate the performance of the system and set a benchmark of how long it would take to send a large batch of messages.

Happy testing!