Flurry, by the numbers

Welcome to the Flurry Technology Blog!

We here at Flurry are lucky to be at the center of the mobile application revolution. Flurry Analytics is currently used by over 65,000 developers across over 170,000 mobile applications and tracks over 1.2 billion application sessions a day. Flurry AppCircle, our application recommendation network,  currently reaches over 300 million users every month. We spend our days working with the developers of apps and games you probably use everyday. 

Up until now we haven’t shared much about how we have built our platform to handle the vast scale and amazing rate of growth seen by our products and the mobile application ecosystem. Let’s start with some statistics about the platform:

  • > 26,000 requests per second
  • 2 TB of new data processed per day
  • > 20 billion custom events tracked per day

Along the way we’ve had to find solutions to problems that many companies that are growing quickly have to face. This blog is our way of sharing what we’ve learned and opening a conversation with you about how to build Big Data services and mobile applications.

This blog will be technical, focusing on optimizing linux servers, efficiently writing Map Reduce jobs and advanced areas of  mobile platforms like iOS. If you’re interested in learning more about the mobile application market in general, please visit the Flurry Blog where we present market research and examine trends across the entire network of Flurry products.

We’ll be writing regular blog posts in the coming months. If there is something that you’d like to learn about or something that you think we can do better just let us know by posting here in the comments.
